Our Fairfax Criminal Attorneys explain a new ban on drones in DC.
Did you get a cool new drone for the holidays? If so, you may be out of luck if you live in Northern Virginia or the Maryland suburbs around DC. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a new rule expanding its ban on flying drones within the District of Columbia. Now that ban extends to all areas within 30 miles of DC.
The original ban on flying drones in DC–announced earlier this year–came on the heels of several incidents in which recreational drone pilots lost control of their devices and crashed them on government property. In at least one high profile incident, a drone landed on the White House lawn, causing security fears and calls for additional regulation of drone use. In addition to the ban on flying drones within DC and within 30 miles of DC, the FAA now requires owners of drones weighing a minimum of .55 pounds to register their drones by February 2016.
So if you live in or around DC and you received a recreational drone for the holidays, you may want to hold onto that gift receipt just a little bit longer. If you have questions about where you may use your drone, the trusted attorneys at Greenspun Shapiro PC can help!